Research Paper Assignment

8 Nov

“A Call to Action: Regulate Use of Cell Phones on the Road” emphasizes greatly the risks of cell phone use while driving and advocates strongly for laws regulating and punishing cell phone use on the road. It starts off with three stories of innocent people killed by irresponsible drivers who were on their cell phones. The paper cites many attempts by state governments to pass legislation regarding cell phone use on the road, but no successful attempts. The writer says that twenty other countries have already passed strict laws about driving while on a cell phone, as early as 2000. However, as the paper goes on to say, road safety is left up to states to legislate, and many of them are not doing their job to protect people against such reckless driving. The author of the paper demands a push to pass such legislation, and soon, to make people realize that what they are doing is wrong.


This paper is very effective in providing information about the use of cell phones while driving. It starts out with some pathos-evoking stories of people whose lives have been compromised by this problem. The writer then provides statistics, such as this one: “Between 450 and 1000 accidents a year are caused by cell phones.” These statistics are a reality check for readers who might not have imagined such damage from what many people see as such a small offense. Then the writer moves on to legislation and uses a lot of logos to communicate how ineffective traffic laws are at enforcing cell phone use. She also uses ethos by citing quotes from important people, such as a spokesperson for Verizon wireless. All in all, this paper is very effective in getting its point across and inspiring guilt in any person who has looked down at their phone while driving. It inspires me to action, and even though I don’t have a strong say in legislation, I can do my part by not engaging in my cell phone while on the road…unless I’m in the passenger’s seat.

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